and highlights

188 pin piles for Formosa 2 OWF

February 13, 2023
Starting in 2020, a CAPE VLT-320 has been used to upend and drive pin piles with a diameter of 96 inches through a pre-piling template at the Formosa 2 Offshore Wind project.

65 combi wall piles

January 19, 2023
In 2022, the CAPE VLT-80 was used to upend and install 65 combi wall piles with a length of 29.25m for the renovation of the Royerssluis/lock and Oosterweelknoop in Antwerp, Belgium.

Cheers to the future

January 12, 2023
In 2022 we celebrated 20 years CAPE Holland. And what a ride it was! With growing confidence we look ahead to the future.

The new CAPE VLT-160

September 20, 2022
The new CAPE VLT-160, the missing link between the CAPE VLT-80 and the CAPE VLT-320. With a eccentric moment of 160kgm this unit has been designed for piles between 1.2 and 3.0m diameter (48”- 120”) and weighing up to 220t. The tool weighs 43t and uses four of the OC-125…

The Road to Kaskasi OWF

April 28, 2022
In April 2020, CAPE Holland was awarded a contract by Seaway7 to supply a CAPE VLT for the installation of the monopiles for the Kaskasi II OWF.